Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Lillian's 1st Day of 1st Grade!

The Kerschen's are off to a bad start!  Yesterday was Lillian's 1st day of school, but she missed the first day, the fun day, the "How was your Summer" day - because we were in Nebraska staring at the sky.  So I thought I was prepared for today, but Joseph's bus was late, like a whole 5 minutes late, which made Lillian and I late for her 2nd day of school (after already playing hooky yesterday!). Despite being late, I had her stand under the St. Anne's School cross to pose for a picture to see how much she has grown since her first day of Kindergarten.  Then I walked her in so I could apologize to Miss Weasler profusely!  Miss Weasler understood and forgave us right away, because she is just about the kindest, gentlest soul you'll ever meet.  By now, Lillian had to go to the bathroom and I had to go with her because, she discovered that she couldn't button her new shorts, or fasten the new cute belt I put her in.  Humph, I guess I'll be driving back home and back to St. Anne's with a change of clothes for her and I guess Jak will NOT be riding the bus to school after all.  Oh well, at least I didn't have to drop them off and get to Lowry for work....phew.  We will get better...

 What a confident little 1st Grader - ready to take on the world!

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