Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We're finally catchin' em round here!  I've been very hesitant to blog about this...but Lillian has become quite the sleeper lately.  I'm afraid God is going to punish me for gloating (Please God, don't take this away from us....please!!!)  A few weeks ago, I confided in Mike that I was a little, ok very, tired.  The getting up to feed every 2 - 4 hours was tiring, and my feedings were lasting close to an hour.  My clever, and dare I say slightly more rested, husband went straight to the computer and googled "how to get your infant to sleep".  After a little research and some Kerschen Family Planning 101 time, we came up with a system that satisfied us both.  We let our two month old daughter cry herself to sleep.  And it worked.  She cried for an hour and 5 minutes that first night, nearly breaking our hearts.  We went back and forth being the strong one, saying things like, "10 more minutes and I'm going in".  But ultimately we outlasted that little 63 day old peanut. 
   Now, 2 weeks later she's got the hang of it.  She cries for a few minutes almost every time we lay her down for a nap or her overnight bedtime.  But....she's sleeping between 5 and 9 hours consistently and going right back to bed after a 20 minute feeding.   I, of course, have to get up and pump still, but I'm building quite the freezer supply of milk for daycare!
    Last weekend, our little sleeper was still asleep at 9 am and Mike and I were ready to start our day.  We snuck into her room, which is very dark thanks to the blackout shades Mike installed.  We couldn't see if she was awake or not, but she heard our voices.  When I snapped this picture for the blog, we were pleasantly rewarded with a very happy Lillian.  I'll never forget her innocent smile as she recognized her parents in the dark and was so happy to hear us.
The reward of a good night sleep....

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