Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happiest First Year Ever!

Someday I am going to go back and read previous blog posts and count just how many times I stated that Jak is the happiest baby I have ever met!  But for now, I'll just repeat myself and thank god for bringing him into our lives. His first year of life has brought us chronic exhaustion (I blame the exhaustion on the 2 major moves - not the 2 babies we've been raising!).  But already the last few months, Mike and I have begun to feel the cloud lift; we're getting better sleep, Jak is understanding us and the world better, he's finally feeding himself and drinking whole milk (which means no more packing & labeling food for school everyday and no more pumping!!!) and he's feeling more independence now that he's crawling faster than the speed of light! You can't turn your back on Jak, he's so curious and active that if you blink he's unplugging cords from the wall, crawling outside onto the deck through the crack you left open for the dog, splashing in the dog bowls (and yes - once we caught him eating dog food!!!), playing in the toilet (especially Lillian's potty) and crawling upstairs to look around.  It's amazing, but as daring and adventurous as Jak is we haven't had any major accidents!  Lillian keeps a pretty good watch on him and for the most part those two continue to be good friends.  They have a secret way of talking to each other and no one can get Jak to giggle as loud as Lillian can.  I hope they are this close in 30 years.
Jak isn't walking yet, he pulls up on anything and everything and loves to use his new push walkers he got from Aunt Cathy and Grandpa but it won't be long till he learns how to do it on his own.  Jak has 8 teeth currently but I'm pretty sure there's a few more just under the surface.  He weighed 20 pounds 10 ounces at his one year check up and measured 30 inches tall.  The debate continues as to what Joseph Allan Kerschen will prefer to be called when he grows up but for now the Colorado Kerschens have a dozen nicknames for him, here they are..... 

Jaka (Lillian's preferred nickname for him)
Little Joe

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