Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jak at 11 Months

Don't you want to blow raspberries on that belly?  So cute!  Jak has 8 teeth now - 4 of which poked through while we were in Indiana/Michigan - poor guy!  Jak was pretty darn cranky while we were there....and now we know why!  Four teeth in one week...whew!  But he is starting to feed himself Cheerios and small bites of crackers finally.  For a kid who loves to eat, he sure doesn't work to hard at doing it himself!  He prefers to have a toy in each hand and let you shovel it in.  If he doesn't have something in his hands, he won't open his mouth!
Jak is busy!  In no time he can move from one room to the next.  If you have the back door open he BEE-lines straight out to the deck, if you turn your back, he dumps out the dogs water bowl.  The other day, I caught him eating Droste's gross!  I had to pry a piece out of his mouth...and he was not happy about it!  We still have very little furniture in this big ol' house so he has plenty of room to crawl & explore, he's even attempting to climb up the stairs.  We're in trouble!
He's stating to really be attached to his family.  When he sees Lillian on the playground he screams and cries so much that the teachers finally started opening the gates and letting Jak play with Lillian's class.  They have this adorable way of communicating.  Lillian speaks gibberish to him and they both giggle.  The teachers take pictures with their phones cause they love watching it so much.  Jak also recognizes my car.  When he sees me pull up to daycare he gets so excited just like his big sister.  But now that he's so eager to see me, I have to really hurry to grab 'em and hug 'em both as quick as possible or some really BIG tears start flowing!  It's the highlight of my day for sure!

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Midwest Summer Vacation!

Jak is free from sin!  We just returned from a 10 day trip to Indiana and Michigan.  We visited Great Grandpa, soaked up some good time on White Lake, visited with so much extended family, saw lots and lots of fireworks and finally baptized Jak.  Travelling with two babies is about as easy as moving with two babies.  The actual travel part was great.  Both kids love running (or crawling) around the airport, smiling and talking to strangers and both managed to nap on the plane.  The big challenge is sleeping in multiple houses and moving around a bunch.  We spent one night in Indiana, 5 nights in Whitehall, 2 nights in E. Lansing then back to Indiana for a the end of the week I didn't know where I was when I woke up!  Every time Jak or Lillian woke up, Mike and I jumped to our feet, doing ANYTHING to keep them quiet and get them back to sleep.....praying they hadn't awoken the whole household!  I was so tired when we came back to Denver, I actually couldn't wait to go back to work...I needed a vacation from our vacation!
Jak & Grammy at Great Grandpa's House

Visiting with Great Grandpa!

Lillian loved her blow up bed from Grammy & Opa, it travelled with us all over Michigan!

Lillian and Layla found it very funny to switch Aunt Cathy and Daddy's hats. We couldn't get Mike's U of M hat off Layla all week (and we haven't seen it since!)

Lazy pajama mornings at the Lake :) waiting for the sun to come out.
Getting our toes ready....just in case the sun comes out.
Playing with Grandpa - still waiting for the sunshine!

A little iPad guessed it...while we waited for sunshine!

Finally...we took a trip to an indoor bounce much fun!
Finally we got to show off our "beach" bodies!
God Bless the USA and the Coopers - for hosting 39 people for dinner on the 4th of July! What a great time!

Faster Daddy Faster!  Layla would say, "Faster!" and Lillian would turn to her and say, "You want to go faster, ok" and she'd rev the boat throttle.  Lillian LOVED the control!
Pool time!
Jak's Baptism at St. John's in East Lansing

We were so honored to have Mike's cousin, Jeffrey perform Jak's baptism. Jeffrey spoke about joy throughout the ceremony and Jak heard the message loud & clear.  He could NOT have been happier!
Back in Indianapolis, Grammy took Lillian past the firehouse, she got a souvenir hat and a great memory to go along with it!