Thursday, March 28, 2013

Goodbye Old Friend

We had to say goodbye to Hope this week.  She was Mike's faithful companion for 14 years.  You couldn't ask for a more loving, good natured pet than Hope.  In the 6 years I've known her, I only heard her bark twice, she never jumped up on you when you first came home, she wasn't constantly underfoot demanding your attention and she didn't (or couldn't!!!) get on your furniture!  She had such a great disposition and we miss her so much.  No one can deny that she had a great life though! 
Mike & Hope about 10 years ago.

Hope     2-16-99   -   3-26-13
 Hope may not have wanted it, but children just loved to cuddle up next to her! 
Layla at 13 months with Hope.
One of Hope's last good camping trips.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jak At 7 Months

Jak is mobile! He is rolling and rolling and rolling.  He rolled himself right off our bed the other day, when Mike and I both turned our attention to Lillian for a second.  He thumped right onto the floor and never cried a peep.  I think he was so happy to have controlled his change in location!  He attempts to dive out of your arms to get closer to Lillian, the dogs, our dinner or anything else that strikes his fancy.  He's so alert and engaged by his surroundings now.  Watching him and Lillian interact is so fun for Mike and I.   They are really becoming playful with each other and I'm sure it will only get better from here!
Jak's favorites lately:
Standing in his exercauser
Swinging on the front porch next to Lillian
Playing in Lillian's crib - with Lillian of course!
Sitting up to watch TV (he is a TV junkie already - way more than Lil ever was!)
Rolling around on our bed naked!
And grabbing anything he can get his hands on (girls you better pull your hair back when you hold him!)

Jak is eating more and more foods everyday.  He's had peas, green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, mango's and banana's so far.  Lillian gets a kick out of him eating real food finally.  Of course, his pureed food looks better than her dinner most nights and we end up sharing my pureed goodness I work so hard on!  Oh least they like their veggies!  Jak has one tooth (lower right front tooth) that poked through this morning on his 7 month birthday and 3 more on their way!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Welcome Keira Eaton Burns!

BIG Congratulations to Aunt Casey - who is now a Momma!  Casey and Rob welcomed baby Keira late Sunday night, early Monday morning (12:38 AM - March 4th to be exact!).  I was lucky enough to be in the room when she made her debut.  Casey was a rockstar!  She felt her 1st contraction at about 1 pm while shopping at Big Lots.  She, Rob and my parents had just taken a 3 hour walk around City Park trying to get that baby ready to come out.  The walk did the trick.  Her labor progressed steadily all afternoon and when I called her around 4:30 to let her know we were on our way to Kim & Ian's for dinner, she calmly said, "I don't think we're going to make it", with a giggle.  She was right, by 9 pm she and Rob were on their way to the hospital and by 10 pm Rob called to tell me, "Come quick!".  Mom, Dad and I rushed to the hospital and in 2 short hours Keira was here!  
Casey and beautiful Keira Eaton Burns 7 lbs 10.5 ounces
When I told Holden that her Aunt Casey was in labor, she cut me off and said "Well, I'm going to lose my tooth."  That night, Casey gave birth to her first child, and Holden lost her first tooth.  March 4th was a big day for both of them!
Coming home from the hospital!
Dressed in orange already!
Proud Grandparents for the 5th time - but 1st grandchild with their "new" eyes after cataract surgery!
Lil holding her cousin Keira for the 1st time.
We love to have Grandma Kerschen visit when Gramma and Opa Hanou are in town.  Lillian LOVED having two "grammies" here with her.
Such a great picture of Grandma Kerschen!  Love the eyes wide open!
Snuggle time after daycare!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Waiting On A Woman.....

Casey's baby girl has not arrived yet and we find ourselves "Waiting on a Woman" like the country song says.  Mom and Dad have been here for a week and a half now.  They even left for four days and went to Santa Fe thinking that might help her make her debut.  But here we are, one week past Casey's due date with no baby.  I think Casey and Rob are calmer than the rest of us!
That's a good looking belly!
While we wait for our little niece to arrive, we've had plenty of visitors to keep us busy!  Mike's Aunt Anne & Uncle Vyto came through town.  They've been on a 3 week US tour, visiting friends and family along the way.  We are so proud to be a pinpoint on their travels!

In typical Lillian fashion she was skeptical of our guests for about 5 minutes before she decided Vyto was her best friend for the evening.  She decided he was pretty cool and poor Vyto had to play "Ring Around the Rosie" with a one year old over and over .......and over!

It's a good thing Anne and Vyto have 9 (almost 10 grandkids of their own), he's well practiced!